Manila, Philippines — Meet Alyssa Lagon, a 23-year-old dynamo serving as both the branding and sustainability executive for Bayo Group and the visionary founder behind the Gen Z sustainable clothing brand, Tela. With a profound understanding of circular fashion, Alyssa’s efforts have earned Bayo Group the prestigious 2023 Outstanding Filipino Retailer Award for Sustainability from the Philippine Retailers Association.

Photo: Manila Bulletin

We had the chance to sit down with Alyssa and delve into the core essence of sustainable fashion. In her words, sustainable fashion is a profound commitment that extends beyond just clothing. It embodies a deep respect for both people and the environment, focusing on collective decisions that forge a meaningful bond between creators and wearers. This symbiotic relationship not only impacts the present but carries the potential to shape the future for the better.

So how can discerning consumers distinguish between fast fashion and sustainable brands? Despite the accolades, Bayo Group remains candid about its journey towards sustainability, marked by their “Journey to Zero” (JTZ) initiative. Alyssa emphasizes that true transformation lies in consumers’ hands. The power to demand change rests with them. Brands that truly uphold sustainable values are the ones that deserve patronage. Alyssa urges shoppers to seek out brands with integrity, ones substantiated by third-party validations rather than marketing gimmicks.

And why should shoppers opt for sustainable fashion? The answer is twofold. Firstly, sustainable fashion champions longevity. Garments are meticulously designed to transcend fleeting trends, enduring the test of time and perhaps even being cherished across generations. Secondly, natural fibers and eco-friendly materials align with gentler care practices, ensuring better environmental stewardship. For instance, opting for sustainable fabrics lessens the risk of skin irritations and other issues caused by chemicals found in non-organic alternatives.

Photo: Manila Bulletin

As for Bayo Group‘s “JTZ” initiative, Alyssa shared an origin story that encapsulates its essence. Inspired by an innocent question from a young girl during a visit to a garment production site, the initiative emerged. The child’s curiosity sparked by the fate of unused fabrics laid the foundation for a transformative journey. This expedition led to the exploration of sustainability, unveiling the grim reality of textile waste and unlocking innovative methods to breathe new life into discarded materials.

Alyssa’s insights highlight the importance of not merely sporting fashionable attire, but engaging in a mindful movement that champions ethical production, fosters enduring relationships between fashion and consumers, and leaves a legacy of responsibility for the generations to come. Her commitment to sustainable fashion echoes Bayo Group‘s dedication, as they pave the way toward a brighter, more conscientious fashion future.