Manila, Philippines — Filipina actress and ’90s it-girl Ina Raymundo has always effortlessly motivated women to take good care of themselves by just being inspired by her youthful stunner physique. It is a given that she has a gorgeous face matched with an awe-inspiring figure, but you can tell that the sense of self-love from inside this lady goes beyond what’s skin deep.

During the recent press conference of Entrasol Platinum wherein Ina was introduced as the new “Solmate”, an additional brand endorser to Kuya Kim Atienza, the actress shared why self-love is more than just maintaining one’s good looks despite aging. 

“For me self-love is taking good care of yourself, and it is not being selfish at all. Because how can you be there and take care for your loved ones and children if you do not take care first of yourself? It is actually being selfless, because self-love is the foundation of how you will be able to take good care of your loved ones,” she said. “Like for me, my goal in life is to not be a burden to my loved ones and children someday when I become a senior citizen,” Ina shared at the press con.

Kuya Kim agreed with Ina, and shared his own take on self-love. “You cannot give what you do not have. Loving the people around you has to start with your own self-love.”

The actress and mother of five expounded her insights on self-love. “I am 47 years old, and I feel stronger than ever. I make sure that the food I put inside my body is good for me. The right diet is the most important thing you can do as an act of self-love. I eat nutritious food, I work out, I exercise. That is why I am matalas, I am sharp. They say you have to drink 8 glasses of water, but in fact you have to drink more. If you are active, you need more water because it helps with digestion. It also gives you good skin. That is just a bonus!”

Surely, Ina can pass for a 20-year-old-something-woman. Her face and body have not aged a bit from what we remember from the 90s. It is like she stopped aging. She has reinvented and transformed herself  from an it-girl to a versatile actress and an empowered woman. She continues to inspire women to pursue their careers, be physically and mentally fit and an involved parent. With five children under her care, she is still able to give ample time to upgrade herself and engage others with her passions. That’s strength – in both body and mind.  She is a health and fitness enthusiast, and she has the body to show for it.  In all her pursuits, she is aptly supported by her family. She is the first to say that a woman-on-the-go must never be without healthy food, most especially at an age where age-related issues are cropping up.

Ina credited adult milk supplement Entrasol Platinum with Procare as her reliable go-to when it comes to adding more ways to taking good care of her health and body.  

“It is delicious, and leaves no bitter or tangy aftertaste!”, Ina answered when asked about what she loves about Entrasol Platinum with Procare.

Entrasol Platinum with Procare’s high protein and calcium content can help build and maintain their muscles and bones as people age from year to year. While the high fiber content helps gut, brain and heart health so that age-related concerns will be lessened. All the ingredients put together make them both, malakas and matalas every single day, which they both need to fulfill their various roles. The formula allows adults to get more nutrition. Its high protein,vitamin D and calcium combination helps maintain muscle mass and bone strength. Its high fiber content helps optimum nutrition absorption. Its high vitamin C, E and Zinc with MCT helps optimize the immune system. Its 75% whey protein helps muscle growth. The PROCare formula also contains 9 vitamins and 6 minerals and folic acid. 

Entrasol Platinum is available in two flavors, Chocolate and Vanilla at 200g and 600g. It is available online in Lazada and Shopee and in all leading drugstores, groceries and supermarkets nationwide at Php441.00 and Php1,134.00 respectively. You may follow Entrasol on Facebook via EntrasolPlatinumPH, Twitter via EntrasolP or Instagram @entrasol.phfor updates.