Jewelry Designer Denise Tobler on Balancing Motherhood and Business

Manila, Philippines — The month of May is magical as we celebrate the unconditional love of mothers. In this special feature story, we are putting the spotlight on jewelry designer Denise Tobler on the high highs she feels from balancing being a mom and an entrepreneur.

Being a mother is one of the most life-changing roles a woman can ever have. British Vogue-approved jewelry designer Denise Tobler, known for her quirky jewelry designs from her line Devaluchi, attests to this amazing fact of life. Just recently, she has launched the baby line of her brand, which offers a sophisticated twist to kalmen-kalmen and anti-usog to ward off bad omen from little ones.

Devaluchi rings
Anti-usog from the Devauchi baby jewelry line
Anti-usog from the Devauchi baby jewelry line

Denise Tobler shared with Stylish Magazine her life as mom and fashion entrepreneur.

Stylish: How do you balance your time and energy as both a mom and jewelry designer?

“I prioritize and set clear boundaries. I try to determine what aspects of life are most important and establish boundaries between roles as a mother and a jewelry designer. I also identify key tasks and responsibilities in each area and allocate dedicated time for them.”

Stylish: What are the moments from being a mom that you truly love the most?

“As a mom, the best moments that I love is having to spend my time and creating precious memories with my little one.”

Stylish: What is it that you love best about being a mother?

“Watching my child grow and learn. Being a mother allows you to witness and actively participate in your child’s growth and development. From their first steps to their achievements and milestones, watching your child learn and grow can be a source of great pride and happiness.”

Stylish: What are the challenges of being a mother and a jewelry designer?

“One of the challenges that I get to face as a mom and jewelry designer is keeping my sanity. Sometimes tasks just get so overwhelming, but I happen to manage with the help of others.”

Stylish: What would be your advice to women who are balancing career and motherhood?

“My piece of advice would be to take one day at a time and be nice to yourself. Being a mom and having a career is super hard. Sometimes we have the tendency to blame ourselves when things don’t go our way. So my advice is to be nice to yourself, breathe and just take one step at a time.”

To learn more about jewelry line Devaluchi Joaillerie, visit, and follow the brand on Instagram and Facebook @devaluchijoaillerie.

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